91 Widening Aims to Ease OC, IE Commute
An upcoming 91 freeway widening project is expected to make life easier for Orange County and Inland Empire commuters.
The $84 million project – scheduled to begin construction the first of August – will add one general-purpose lane for six miles in each direction between the 55 and the 241. Crews will widen the bridge for Imperial Highway and the Weir Canyon Road undercrossing in both directions.
On Monday, transportation officials gathered outside the Orange County Transportation Authority's 91 Expressway offices – bordering the 91 – to break ground on the project that's expected to be completed by September 2012.
"It touches you in the heart when you get on this freeway at 5:30 or 6 o'clock in the morning and you see a line of lights going all the way out towards Riverside. ... Think of the folks living in our neighboring county coming to Orange County and work and sit in that traffic spending an hour, an hour and a half," said Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait at the ceremony.
"Bottom line of this project is ... it gets people home to their family sooner," Tait said.
Officials at the ceremony said this stretch of the freeway is not only one of the most important in Orange County, but it's considered one of the most congested in the nation.
This freeway is also thought as a lifeline for Orange and Riverside counties as it is the only corridor connecting the two counties.
Officials said this section of the 91 carries an average of up to 174,000 vehicles in the eastbound direction with about 160,000 vehicles that travel the westbound portion of that freeway.
By 2014, officials expect that traffic volumes will grow to an average of 158,000 to 190,000 daily.
Information Provided By The Orange County Register
Motorists feel the traffic congestion during the week in both the morning and afternoon peak periods, during the holidays and weekends.
"This freeway has linked the two counties for decades and while the congestion of the freeway has caused lots of frustration, this freeway has created all kinds of opportunities," said Karen Spiegel, a Corona councilwoman.
Spiegel said the 91 is not only crucial for Riverside County residents who commute from their home to their jobs in Irvine or Anaheim Hills but also allows them to keep in contact with their families in the O.C.
"When a family seeks to buy a larger home less expensive than Orange County, they come to Corona and the 91 freeway allows them to do so but still stay connected to family and friends in Orange County and LA County," Spiegel said.
Funds for the widening project come from the State Transportation Improvement Program and the Corridor Mobility Improvement Account.